Advanced Skills

Kat's unique Advanced Skills Courses are designed to get the very best out of your relationship between you and your dog, with a huge emphasis on enrichment and enjoyment.

Advanced Skills Courses:
Advanced Obedience Skills - Further developing the partnership between you and your dog.
Advanced Heelwork Skills - Further developing the fitness and attentiveness of your dog.
Advanced Problem Solving Skills - Further delevoping the brain training of your dog.

All three of these courses also contain many elements of Indoor Fun Agility - particularly the Advanced Problem Solving Skills!

Further on from the Novice/Intermediate Course are the Advanced Skills Courses. These courses really step things up a level and a lot more will be expected of both you and your dog. A lot of the exercises in these courses will be done with the dogs off lead, so it will be expected that your dog will be very attentive towards you and that they have a very sound recall.

The fee for each four week course is £44, or book onto all three of the courses together for a reduced fee of £110 (saving £22).

All Three Advanced Skills Courses:
Mondays (Feb, Mar & Apr) at 8:15pm ~ FULL
Mondays (Mar, Apr/May & Jun) at 8:15pm ~ Three places left

Advanced Obedience Skills - Course Length: 4 weeks - Course Fee: £44
Course exercises:
The “Leave” (at distance, including fast-moving objects)
The “Stay” (including "out of sight")
The Emergency Stop (with your dog both coming towards you and going away from you)
The Send-Away (to a mat, at the other end of the hall)
Distraction Alley (recall past various objects, on both sides)

Advanced Heelwork Skills - Course Length: 4 weeks - Course Fee: £44
Course exercises:
Close Individual Heelwork (on and off lead)
Group Heelwork (on and off lead)
Serpentine Heelwork
Individual Heelwork Routines (including tricks, such as "Walk Backwards", "Twists", "Twirls" and "Weave Through Legs")
Group Heelwork to Music Routine

Advanced Problem Solving Skills - Course Length: 4 weeks - Course Fee: £44
Course exercises:
Scentwork with Cloths (using clicker training)
Naming and Identifying Different Toys/Objects
Finding Objects (under boxes, behind things, and so on)
Puzzle Games (toys and activity boards)
Doggy Obstacle Course (working out a route through, around, and under things)

For each course, Kat will provide training manuals, which include details of the exercises that we will do each week, as well as support material and homework, to complement the courses.

The Advanced Skills Courses are for dogs of a very sound temperament. Dogs who show an adverse reaction to being in close contact with other dogs would probably be better having a one-to-one session, in the first instance.

Ideally, dogs attending any of the Advanced Skills Courses will have already completed the Novice/Intermediate Course or will have attended the Improvers Fun Agility Course, but if you feel your dog would be suited to Advanced (e.g. your dog has passed the KCGCDS at Silver level), then feel free to enquire with Katie about booking onto the course.

Class sizes are limited to nine, and tend to book up quickly, so book now to avoid disappointment.