Advanced Problem Solving Skills Course Starting Tuesday 3rd September at 8:15pm at St Edmund Campion, Castlepoint

A well structured four week Advanced Problem Solving Skills Course at St Edmund Campion Church Hall, Castlepoint, Bournemouth starting on Tuesday 3rd September at 8:15pm.

The fee includes four very well structured training classes, and an especially written, comprehensive training manual to accompany the course.

~ Places available

Advanced Problem Solving Skills - Course Length: 4 weeks - Course Fee: £44
Course exercises:
Scentwork with Cloths
Naming and Identifying Different Toys/Objects
Finding Objects (under boxes, behind things, and so on)
Puzzle Games (toys and activity boards)
Doggy Obstacle Course (working out a route through, around, and under things)

Go to the Advanced Skills page to read more.

Other Advanced Skills Courses:
Advanced Obedience Skills
Advanced Heelwork Skills
Click here to book onto all three Advanced Skills Courses for a reduced fee of £110 (saving £22)

Before booking onto this course, please add the email address "" to your address book/collected addresses, to avoid the possibility of your booking confirmation ending up in your spam/junk folder.

Price: £44.00